Proudly representing our Union Brothers & Sisters in their respective industries throughout Clallam, Jefferson, and Kitsap Counties.
Port Angeles Office: 360.452.3388
Silverdale Office: 360.613.4062
3 Scholarship Opportunities Now Open!
Application deadline coming soon! Academic scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $10,000 and Vocational/Training program scholarships ranging from $500 to $2,000 are available to High School seniors who are the sons/daughters/financial dependents of Teamster members (including members of the BLET, BMWED, TCRC, TCRC-BMW). In 2024, the Fund awarded $1.2 million in scholarships to Teamster children across the U.S. and Canada.
Direct Link to Apply: https://aim.applyists.net/JRHMSF/
Program Key: JRHMSFThe JRHMSF scholarship is a terrific benefit for Teamster families. Ryan, a graduate of UCLA with a degree in economics wrote: "Receiving the JRHMSF scholarship allowed me to graduate debt free." Another scholarship winner, Nicole, a student at University of Washington, wrote: "The Hoffa scholarship has lessened the burden of the costs of college for our family and has allowed me to enjoy my college experience."
A Valuable Scholarship Deadline is March 1! Vocational scholarships ranging from $500 to $2,000 in the U.S. and Canada related to any Teamster-represented industry are available from the James R. Hoffa Memorial Scholarship Fund.
Also, Academic scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $10,000 are available to High School seniors who are the sons/daughters/financial dependents of Teamster members (including members of the BLET, BMWED, TCRC, TCRC-BMW).
Direct Link to Apply: https://aim.applyists.net/JRHMSF/
Program Key: JRHMSF
Previous winner Bennett, attending the Univ. of Southern Indiana wrote: "The support was especially helpful for my Teamster family because I have three other siblings, and one is my twin sister who started college at the same time I did."
The Teamsters Scholarship Fund online application for students is live and applications will be accepted through May 1, 2025. Click here to apply now!
The U.S. Supreme Court's 1975 decision in the Weingarten case held that if the employer requires an employee to submit to an investigatory interview and denies the employee's request for union representation, then the employer is in violation of the National Labor Relations Act:
*Union members have the right to a union representative at an investigatory hearing if they reasonably believe that the investigation could lead to disciplinary action.
*The member must request a representative; the employer has no obligation to inform the employee of that right.
*Management does not have to call the representative. Instead, the employer can stop the meeting or just issue the discipline.
*Once a union representative is called, he/she has the right: (1) to know the subject of the investigatory hearing; (2) to confer with the member prior to the hearing; (3) to speak and participate in the hearing. However, the representative cannot argue the case since this is not a grievance hearing.
*The employee does not have the right to select the representative of his or her choice. For example, the department steward will be called, if available. The nearest available representative will be called if the department steward is unavailable.
*If the employer is responsible for the representative not being available, then the supervisor must end the meeting until the representative is available.
*If the union is responsible for the representative not being available, then another representative or employee can be called in, unless the supervisor chooses to postpone the meeting.
*The member can ask for a witness if no steward is available.
What We Do
Local Union No. 589 has been fighting for working-class families for more than 70 years. We continue to stand up for our members in the legislative, political, and social landscapes.
Who We Are
Our staff consists of hard-working, professional unionists who fight tirelessly to ensure workers' rights. Additionally, our Executive Board has more than 100-years of combined experience standing up to employers.
Who We Represent
Local Union No. 589 represents members in both the private and public sectors.“History has proven that management will not be motivated to do the right thing just because it’s right. Unions aren’t all perfect, but they have done more to bring about equal opportunities and break down class barriers than any other institution.” —Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
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Feb 20, 2025Port Angeles Union HallGeneral Membership Meeting
Mar 20, 2025Silverdale Union HallGeneral Membership Meeting
Apr 17, 2025Port Angeles Union HallGeneral Membership Meeting
May 15, 2025Silverdale Union HallGeneral Membership Meeting
Jun 19, 2025TBD